Useful Links for Programmers

Looking for something you need but don't know where to start? An ever-growing list of links to useful websites is provided below by category.

Linux Operation Systems 

Software Version Management
Software version management is perhaps one of the first things that should be considered when working on a software project. This is especially important if you are collaborating with others. A good software version management system will allow users to check-in their changes to a code line with comments, allow merging of code lines, rolling back changes, help resolve conflicts among other features. Don't forget to include backups as part of your process.
  • SmartSVN - Has a good visual client and was easy to set up on my Linux system. I used it for a senior design project with a small group and it was fairly successful. It has a free (limited feature) version, and a full feature version is you are willing to fork out up to $70 per user.
  • Git - A free open source version control system. I know some folks who say it meets their needs. There are several GUIs available with it.
  • Perforce - This is one of the heavy hitters on the market. Its more expensive than other options mentioned, but if you want a full feature version management system for your business, this should be on your short list.

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